De eigenaar van dit gastenboek heeft het toevoegen van berichten (tijdelijk) uitgeschakeld.

20:39 30-08-2013
zijn jullie al weer thuis????
17:14 29-07-2013
Have fun with the girls, and enjoy your time at the camping! Thanks for the address.
15:43 26-07-2013
Ja, ze ligt nog steeds in het ziekenhuis.
Hoor af en toe van Henk en Rinette over haar.
Ik zal jullie haar adres per mail sturen.
Verder gaat het hier goed. Met Rinette ook.
Maar dat zie je vast op facebook. Ze houd daar iedereen op de hoogte.
En hier zijn Lieke en Nadie te logeren. Gezellig, maar ook best druk!
Bij jullie alles goed?
Ik denk dat we hier gewoon verder moeten gaan.
Het is tenslotte onze site. En 'geheimen' sturen we per mail...
Zie je daar....
23:46 25-07-2013
J & R;
Have you heard anything about Tante Klazien? We hear here that she has been in the hospital the last 12 weeks and it does not look very good. Could you find out for us?

J & R
03:01 25-07-2013
It kind of takes the fun out of it, doesn't it?
21:17 17-07-2013
Heb het geregeld.
Hoop dat de mevrouw nu tevreden is.....
En dat de blokkade werkt..
20:13 04-07-2013
Hallo daar!
Gaat het alweer wat beter met je enkel Jack? Wel weer pech he?
Ik begreep via facebook dat je heel veel dingen wel gewoon doet.
Mag dat ook? En heb je nog veel pijn?
Jullie tuin ligt er netjes bij, mooi rechte lijntjes.
Hier komen de wortelen ook goed op. De meeste bonen ook.
De sla is helemaal niets geworden, maar ik heb wat plantjes van Jan Hein Haveman gekregen. Die doen het goed. Heb er vanmiddag wat slakkenkorrels bij gedaan.
Anders eten die alles op. 'k Heb ook de oprit gesproeid.
Was nog best een klus om uit te zoeken hoe dat nevel apparaat werkte.
Maar het instructie boekje lag nog in het kastje. Dus het is klaar.
Morgen nog een stukje heg knippen en de rest van de tuin schoffelen, dan is buiten eerst alles klaar. Kunnen we zo weer opnieuw beginnen.
Fijn dat tante Janny mag komen genieten van jullie tuin.
Daar doe je haar zeker een groot plezier mee!
Ik 'zie' oom Arend genieten van het Mac-eten! Nog altijd hetzelfde dus!
Kun je nu wel rijden Jack? Of mag/moet Rennie je chauffeur zijn?
Ik wens jullie heel veel sterkte met alles.
02:49 26-06-2013
J & R
Things are going much better with dad again. Last Saturday we took him out for a ride, went to MacDonald's. drive thru and picked up supper which we ate in the car. We had to find something that he could eat because he has lost some teeth and cannot keep his dentures in his mouth. He enjoyed it very much. We did not get him back until 20:00 and he did not seem too tired. I had repaired the basket on his scooter and re-painted it for him. He likes this because he needs to carry his oxygen with him all the time. No not just at night. He has oxygen during the day with a tube under his nose but at night he needs a face mask because when he sleeps he breathes through his nose. So he seems to be doing much better but I think it is because he is on fluid pills. He keeps getting fluid around his lungs and heart and then he feels very bad.
We have been busy around the house.(Mostly Rennie) because I have been busy with quotations and renovations. Our own bathroom is almost complete. We can have showers again. We now have a vegetable garden. Today we planted some beans, peas, carrots and radishes, boeren koel verplante and also romaine lettuce. I raised the garden up about 15cm in case of a flood.
Things will go much slower for me for the next while I think. This morning I was going to see how Rennie was doing in the garden when I mis-stepped coming from our patio deck and broke my left ankle. They put me in an air cast while I try to get an appointment with my orthopedic surgeon. I will try the same one who operated on my knees.
Tante Janny is doing great. We have her over every Sunday after the morning service so she can enjoy our back yard. She just loves it.
The kids and grand kids are great as well. Last Friday we went to Deanne's graduation. I did not recognize her. You probably saw her pictures on Facebook.
That's about all for now. WE hope things dry up for you soon and get warmer. The last week it has been about 30°C here. Too bad we can't send some your way.

Jack & Rennie
16:22 14-06-2013
Hoe gaat het nu met oom Arend? Is hij wat rustiger? En gaat het met z'n ademhaling? Heeft hij nu steeds zuurstof in of alleen voor de nacht.
Gelukkig voor tante Janny dat jullie nog wel een tuin hebben.
Was ze erg blij met de foto's van Jan en Coos?
Gisteren hoorde ik van Rinette dat tante Klazien in het ziekenhuis ligt. Al een paar weken. Hadden jullie dat al gehoord? Ze heeft problemen met haar maag, maar hoe het precies is weet ik niet. Volgens de verhalen was er gisteren een gesprek met de arts.
Als dat goed verliep mocht ze misschien naar huis. Maar misschien hoopte ze dat ook alleen maar. Zal jullie op de hoogte houden als ik iets nieuws hoor.
Verder gaat het hier gewoon door. Druk met de tuin, het huis en alle andere werkzaamheden. Maar ook met verjaardagen enz.
Morgen hebben we gemeentedag. Daarvoor ben ik vanmorgen aan het bakken geweest.
Iedereen neemt iets mee, heel lekker, leerzaam en gezellig!
Gelukkig hebben de bomen hun bloei laten vallen en heeft het geregend.
En Henk heeft gisteren de goten rond het huis en de garage schoongemaakt.
Was erg nodig! Blij met de kids!! Nou ja, hier gaat het dus goed.
Bij jullie ook? Staat de schuur er al? En heb je de spullen nu weer wat op orde.
't Is wel een klus he, verhuizen.
Veel sterkte gewenst met alles en groetjes van hier,
PS. Bedankt voor je foto's, heb ze in een foto album gezet. Ziet er goed uit!
03:25 06-06-2013
Sunday we picked Tante Janny up right after the morning service so she had lunch with us. She enjoyed the gardens and sat outside the whole time. This went very well and saves us having to pick her up just before church. We will try to continue to do this, for the summer anyway.
We got your card last week, yes Missy was very happy to see us. She was good the first week that we were away but than became depressed and lost three pounds. All is well now and Jack and her are working very hard at getting those pounds back on. She really is better without those extra pounds. Our flight was probably the longest we have ever had. Had to wait for about an hour for Robert Q.
Our camping was great, we had wonderful weather. I also enjoyed Newfoundland very much. I will send some pictures directly to your email. That is easier for me.
03:17 06-06-2013
Finally a little time to write. We celebrated Jack's birthday with all the kids and grandkids on Sat. The weather was nice, just a wee bit of spitters. We were able to eat outside under our beautiful awning, which kept the spitters out of our food. The grandkids and Henry and I went to the park which is about three blocks from our house. I didn't realize that the water park was already working, but it was, and most of the kids came home soaking wet. Shane and Becky's had their pajamas with them, so changed before heading for home.
Jack is fairly busy with quotations, but I don't get too busy until they are signed up, so I have been busy taking out the sod, where our garden shed is going to go and today I took out all the top soil. Jack picked up a trailer load of gravel which we put in the hole. It is ready for us to start putting up the shed on Saturday.
Last week we had several calls that Jack's Dad was not doing so well so we stopped in last Friday evening. We had been there the Sat. before and are planning on going again this Sat. but since he seemed to be doing so poorly we thought we had better go sooner. He was in bed and very short of breath but his mind was good. He had some of his teeth fall out and one was very sharp and he wanted to have something done about it soon. It was really bothering him. Since we didn't think he was doing so well we said we would come back on Tues. evening. On Sunday we get a call that he had taken off on his skooter, told the nurses he was going to church, but he was actually going to go to the dentist. Luckily he came back for a sweater and Dick and Annette caught him. Than yesterday we get a call that he took off on his skooter again and someone was backing out of their driveway hit him and knocked him off the skooter. He had some skin tears but nothing else but took him to the hospital to have him checked over. Annette had already made an appointment with the dentist for Thursday, but we believe he was trying to go there himself. He is a very impatient man and obviously not dying yet.
03:31 05-06-2013
Opa Jack
Thanks for the best wishes for my birthday. I was alone but Art & Lisa invited me for supper. It was good.
Opa Jack
22:44 23-05-2013
Opa Jack: van harte gefeliciteerd met uw verjaardag.
hartelijke groet van ons allemaal!
14:23 23-05-2013

Ook al moet je je verjaardag alleen vieren, ik wens je toch een goede dag toe.
En de zegen van de Heere voor de toekomst!
23:03 14-05-2013
owh echt???
Hopen dat jullie snel thuis zijn!
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