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11:49 14-02-2014

wens ik jullie allemaal vandaag.
18:25 30-01-2014
Dank je voor de berichten over oom Arend en tante Janny.
Hun leeftijd gaat nu toch echt problemen geven.
Gelukkig krijgen ze hun 'dagelijkse' zorg in de huizen waar ze wonen.
Ze hebben het allebei wel naar de zin op hun plek toch?
Wil je ze veel sterkte wensen en de groeten doen van mij als je hun weer ziet?
En ook aan tante Tine natuurlijk!
Nu jij Jack, wat laat je me schrikken. En wat een zorg ineens.
Moeilijk he, voor jou, om je rustig te houden! Toch maar leren, nu?
Hier zeggen ze: je bent nooit te oud om te leren.....
Heb jij deze problemen ook niet al eens eerder gehad?
Volgens mij is dat aan het eind van het jaar 10 jaar geleden.
Op 27 november 2004 , toen wij ons 30-jarig huwelijksfeest vierden, werd jij naar het ziekenhuis gebracht. Maar dat hoorden wij later pas.
Voelde het netzo? Of is dit iets heel anders?
Ik wens jou, jullie heel veel sterkte met alle onderzoeken, die vast gaan volgen.
En natuurlijk met geduldig en rustig zijn....
Ik hoor het wel....?
03:19 29-01-2014
J & R
Dad has been doing better again this week. Some days he is better and some days worse. When he is bad he cannot even roll over in bed. They always have to feed him even though he eats very little. He cannot stand, he is too weak. They use a lift to get him from the bed to the wheelchair and to the toilet. Last week just before we got there he messed the bed. Very humiliating.
Now about me; yesterday as I started working in the cold (-35C) I started to breathe very heavy like I had been running fast. I thought it was the cold. Then a little later I was shoveling snow when it happened again and I also had chest pains. I then went home and used the snow blower to clean the driveway. It happened again. When I went in the house and I was taking off my snow pants I started breathing heavy again & Rennie noticed it. She forced me to go to the emergency department at the hospital They helped me very quickly and after they had given me a ECG I was not allowed to walk but they moved me in a wheelchair and put me in a bed. My heart was beating very fast and very irregular. (100 -150 beats per minute and my blood pressure was 148/80.) Not good. They took several tests and finally sent me home around 17:00. I have atro-fibrillation. I was given medication and I'm not allowed to do any heavy work until I have seen a cardiologist. I saw my house doctor today and he is setting this up for me. Probably this week yet. We'll see. Anyway a huge wake-up call. I know that I am under the Lord's care but the thing that I need the most is patience. I ask Him to give me that as well. It will be difficult to stop doing something (work) that I have enjoyed for 40 years. Anyway just to let you know what is happening here.
Rennie is still wrestling with her "head" problem. It has gotten worse since Christmas. She has been very busy with Tante Janny who also had not been doing well. She is getting better now but it has had its effect on Rennie. Now if I can just get her to slow down as well.
We will keep you updated.
J & R
23:43 07-01-2014
Thanks for the New Year wishes! Wishing you a very blessed 2014. We had a busy week between Christmas and New Years. My brother Doug was in Ontario. Art and Lisa were suppose to bring him back with them from Hamilton on Christmas day but they both caught the flu so after picking Tante Janny up for lunch and bringing her back home at 3 pm we went to my sister Attie, who lives near Hamilton and had supper with them and brought him home with us. The next day we had all the kids over at the Church for our get together and Sat. we went to visit Dad but dropped Doug off at cousins who live near Chatham. On Monday Jack with some help from Doug installed a new countertop and sink and faucet. Jack still had to install the dishwasher on Tuesday. New Years Eve we had four other couples over and New Years Day we went to Henk & Janice, and left Doug there. Sat. we visited Dad again, he is getting much worse! Just skin and bones, almost nothing left of him. This morning they called that they have put him on Palliative care again, the night nurses said he had been unresponsive. The nurse that called said that he didn't respond to her moving his arms but when she massaged his feet he woke up and gave her that look "what are you doing?" Sat. he didn't respond to me either, I moved his arms and shook him a little, but then later Jack took his hand and Sat with him and then he woke up for a bit. We are hoping that he will just pass away in his sleep. He did seem to have pneumonia again and they gave him more antibiotics which seem to be working, so he doesn't cough so much anymore and seems to be resting peacefully.
15:52 31-12-2013
Mijn wens voor jullie in 2014:

Groetjes en liefs,
22:34 13-12-2013
Heb van Rennie op facebook de laatste berichten gehoord/gelezen.
Dus ik ben weer op de hoogte. Wens jullie ook hier veel sterkte met alles.
Ik zag net op RTVNoord dat 'de rode Rups', het informatie gebouw van de Blauwe Stad, vandaag werd gesloopt. Weet je nog dat wij daar waren? Er werd toen nog volop gebouwd. Het project daar is trouwens niet geworden zoals men gehoopt had....
Te veel (dure) huizen, te weinig belangstelling.
Misschien heb je het al wel gezien, Jack?
Ben trouwens we voorzichtiger geworden hier.... om over mensen te 'praten'.
Daarom was het fijn om over de familie te horen via 'persoonlijk' bij facebook.
Hoop dat het daar wel veilig is....
Nu ga ik eerst een poosje slapen !
Welterusten en tot later
02:31 23-11-2013
He is still in the Nursing Home, they are quite happy to look after him now as a palliative patient. The nurses are very good to him, Wed. he had one of the girls crying. She just loves him and as they were talking Dad said that he would pray for her. They took an x-ray of his lungs and he does have pneumonia. Each day his oxygen saturation level goes down so his colour is slowly getting darker. Most of the time he is sleeping, but yesterday he was upset with himself because he fell asleep when the minister was reading the bible with him. We got there shortly after two and the rest of the afternoon he just seemed to slowly talk more and more. We finally had to go home so he could sleep. Tomorrow the second son of Dick and Annette is getting married, so he will likely have a lot of company, which will really tire him out, if he is still responsive.
20:08 21-11-2013
Dat is erg. Ligt hij in het ziekenhuis?
En is hij in London? Of gaan jullie elke dag naar Chatham.
Hij wordt zeker erg zwak.
Ik wens jullie veel sterkte en hem ook natuurlijk!
Zal voor hem en jullie bidden....
01:57 20-11-2013
Just to let you know that Jack's dad is not doing well. We have been sitting with him the last two afternoons. He is very tired and very anxious to go home, and we have been praying with him for this.
03:47 07-11-2013
I went to Grandparents Day at Providence and had some fun with Dianne & Tim today! Jack was too busy, but I'm hoping he will find time next year. They have a wonderful principal and really great to see in action. The kids also sang some songs for us. There are now 111 students. The school is getting too small so they are going to add some portable classrooms.
19:00 04-11-2013
halloooooo, ben er wel hoor.
Heb het alleen erg druk de laatste tijd.
Toch kijk ik hier wel vaak.
Heb dan op mijn manier geen tijd om wat te schrijven.
Dat is natuurlijk onzin!
Er is altijd wel tijd om even "HI" te zeggen.
En te laten weten dat het hier goed gaat.
Alleen een beetje grieperig, maar dat hoort erbij.
En af en toe komt er een flinke storm voorbij! Zie foto/film op facebook!
Bij jullie ook alles goed en druk?
Groetjes uit een nat en 'treurig' Nederland.
16:46 18-10-2013
Good morning! Thanks for the card! Agreed to respond more often! It has been another very busy two weeks. The weekend from Oct. 4th to 7th we babysat for Shane and Becky. Shane is the Chair for the Owen Sound Mission Board which deals with Rev. Bedard in St. Goerge Quebec. He had to go for meetings and wanted to take Becky with him. They had a great time! Got home late Monday than on Wednesday we went to Kitchener for meetings for Bibles for Mission and spent Thurs. at BFM and Sat. we had all the kids over for dinner at the church for Thanksgiving and our Anniversary. Monday was a holiday so we picked Dad up from Chatham and had lunch together at Tante Janny's. They both loved it, Tante Janny didn't want us to go and Dad just couldn't get over it, just kept on repeating how great a time he had, but he was very tired. Tuesday I spent in the gardens so I could get all the garden junk out to the road, because the city comes by and picks it up approx. every six weeks. There is a very big pile! Wed. I had a meeting with the Hyde Park Bus. Ass. and spent some time at our office there and yesterday at BFM again. Just trying to get a caught up on a few things and then have to go to BFM because they are having a customer appreciation day and would like some extra volunteers. Hoping just to spend tomorrow at home, relax and clean my house and do laundry, all those fun type of things.
19:08 14-10-2013
Wel te laat, maar toch:


Ik hoop dat jullie een fijne dag hadden!
Alles goed daar? Al klaar met de appelmoes?
Ik niet, heb vandaag weer een emmer vol gemaakt.
Maar er staat nog wel een portie, genoeg te doen dus.
Liefs en groetjes van hier.
19:37 07-09-2013
J & R
Yes we are home again after 9,700 km. Also we were held up for one day when we had trailer problems. First two new tires but then we noticed that the rear set of wheels was not following in the same track as the front set of wheels. OH OH. not good. It turns out that we had to go to a heavy truck garage and have the axels removed, have some welding done before we could continue. All is well that ends well. We had great weather. In Montana we had 98°F (37°C) weather. The rest of the time it was great. Lots of sunshine. We had one thunder storm in Carman. We did not even have the trailer set up yet.
Now back to work. The garden grew tremendously. I have just picked two pails of beans and had to quit because it was raining. I'm only half done.
Anyway we had a great time and can now continue in our regular pace. This afternoon there is a BBQ at the school but also a BBQ for Bibles for Mission. We will go to the school so we can see our family again.
Tomorrow is Lord's Supper, Monday is Council meeting & I am Recording clerk (Scribe)
& Tuesday evening is Bibles for Mission , board meeting, so back to work. Home visits have also started again for the season. SO lots to look forward to.
Rennie is busy doing the wash, cleaning the house, groceries & wants o clean the trailer inside. SO also lots to look forward to.
Hope very thing is good with you as well
J & R
09:39 31-08-2013
......okay, door FB weet ik het al!
Mooie foto's!! Geniet ervan!
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