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16:36 25-01-2012
Tis droog bij jullie. Hooray!!
15:45 25-01-2012
Jack had a great visit with his Dad, they both enjoyed it very much. He is now officially allowed to drive although he wasn't than. He is actually doing very well but keeps overdoing it and than paying for it. I am actually really starting feel a lot better in the last week so it looks good for the future, the Lord willing!. Today they are starting to set up for the Home Show and I have to hang wall paper this afternoon. Tomorrow I pick up stuff to decorate and get it looking clean and great and than Friday and Sat. standing in the booth. Next week 1st and 2nd I am in Ottawa again and then not again until March 22 & 23 and than not again until May 23, 24, 25.
Works out just great! I hope to book our flights right after I get back from Ottawa next week. See you soon! We'll make it coffee!
16:50 19-01-2012
Lees net dat jullie nu echt plannen gaan maken!
Hiep Hoi, 't komt dichterbij!
Succes.... en ik ben benieuwd!
21:45 18-01-2012
Ha Mr. Jack!
Hoe gaat het met je? Is Rennie al weer thuis?
Pas je wel een beetje op, nu je geen 'controle' meer hebt?
Je moet toch nog steeds rustig aan doen?
Hoe was het bij oom Arend? Mag jij wel weer rijden?
Hier is het goed, maar druk. Veel computer en zoekwerk.
Veel verjaardagen! Als het kan ga ik mee feest vieren.
Morgen is Nadie jarig, wordt 9, maar daar kan ik niet heen
Maar dat hou ik te goed. Misschien dat ik binnenkort met de auto kan.
Die is nu eerst bij de schade hersteller. Wat er moet gebeuren weet ik niet precies, maar wel dat hij helemaal opnieuw wordt gespoten.
En de offerte voor een nieuwe garage is bij de verzekering. Als die wordt goedgekeurd kan er ook worden herbouwd. Zo gaat het hier dus maar door....
Ga nu eerst nog even NoordNieuws kijken en dan slapen. Morgen weer een dag.....
23:43 16-01-2012
Dismiss the last message. I'm in too much of a hurry. I am preparing for a consistory meeting tonight. My first meeting since November. My knee is going very well. I do not have as much pain as with the last knee. I just need more patience. Rennie just called me. She had a good day and is now going out for supper and then an early evening. Tomorrow first at 9:40 I have physio for an hour. Then some paper work for Bibles for Mission. I have offered to look after the new building (a small mall of 2,600 square meters) and look after the renovations after we take possession on May 1st. In the afternoon I will visit dad. He is home again. I have not seen him since Boxing Day (tweede Kerst Dag) I have spoken to him via telephone but not seen him. I'll let you know how he is doing. Tante Janny has had her problems lately too. See has had swollen legs and her wound (waund) on her other leg is not healing as fast as we had hoped. Sunday morning she did not go to church because she thought she might have the flue but she was better in the afternoon.
I'll go for now as I have to supper ready yet.
23:24 16-01-2012
Home alone with Missy (dog) while Rennie is in Ottawa for three days this time instead of the u8sua
18:58 04-01-2012
03:13 04-01-2012
Loved your pictures, when you see them all together you see how fast the little ones are growing. Than again we noticed some of the olders ones were growing also, particularly Arjen!
22:09 30-12-2011
Nog even een berichtje van hier. Bedankt voor jullie kaart! Hij was vandaag bij de post.
Alles is goed, krijg nog veel bezoek en ga ook wel naar de kinderen.
Maandag, 2e kerstdag, zijn we met de hele familie samen geweest in Haredenberg.
Dat was druk, maar erg goed. We hadden allemaal wat te eten meegenomen en het was dus een verrassing wat er allemaal was. Het was erg lekker, maar vooral erg veel!
Morgen gaan we allemaal onze eigen gang, ik ben gewoon thuis en ga lekker met (grote!!!) oordoppen in op tijd naar bed! Zondag viert Arjan zijn verjaardag thuis en maandag komt iedereen hier en vieren we de verjaardagen van Arjan en Ilse in Ten Boer.
Dat is dan voor de eerste keer dat we allemaal tegelijk thuis zijn.
Maar het is goed, al zal het best moeilijk zijn.
Gisteren heeft Rinette mij opgehaald en hebben we samen boodschappen gedaan.
Toen zijn we naar Usquert gegaan en had Henk thee klaar. Ik heb daar gegeten en later heeft Henk mij weer thuis gebracht. Zo gaat de tijd toch snel.
Ik hoop dat alles goed mag gaan met je therapie, Jack. En dat jullie dan in april mogen en kunnen komen. Maar dat wacht ik wel af en hoor het wel.
Het kan altijd, 'bij leven en welzijn'.
Ik wens jullie een goede jaarwisseling en de zegen van de Here voor het nieuwe jaar.
Hoop jullie gauw te zien,
Liefs, Lammieke.
20:18 26-12-2011
J & R
Rennie is doing OK but when both of us were in the hospital it was too much for her. She went backwards. Hopefully after all this hoilday stuff is over I can get her to slow down a little bit. Also will be able to do more things on my own. That should help as well.
I have an appointment to take out the staples in my knee on January 4th. (If you want to see what my knee looks like ask Ilse, I sent her a picture of it)That is also the first day of my physio treatments. I do physio teatments at home now. Mostly stretches. They are coming along quite well.
I'm not sure if anyone told you but Kina Meinen had to have a breast removed due to cancer. She was operated on Dec. 9th (same day as me) She is doing very well at home.
Since it will soon be 2012 we have been thinking about visiting you. Very tentatively about April 17th until May 4th. (we have not checked any airlines, its too early for that).
We also have to be back by May 11th because Katie (Sam & Marian's 2nd daughter is getting married on that day) We are not allowed to miss that. Thats all for now. I have to do my knee excersise and the get ready to go.
With all our love
J & R
20:01 26-12-2011
J & R
I did not go to church yet yesterday but was allowed to go to Art & Lisa's for Christmas supper. This went quite well but I was vey tired when we got home. To day around 15:00 we are going to Chatham for the Pieterman dinner. We will take my truck so I can sit in the back seat with my leg up. Art will drive it home because Rennie cannot drive in the dark. I hope it will go OK because I am tired of staying home. I don't feel sick just weak. I can finally take a shower without feeling faint. The night before last was then first night that I had a good nights sleep. Normally I would wake up evey 1/2 - 3/4 hr because of pain and then try to find a comfortable position again. There were not too many comfortable positions but that is improving as well.
I have made arrangements for today that we may pick dad up from the hospital so he may spend a few hours wih the family as well as supper.
19:51 26-12-2011
J & R
I don't have any more excuses to write you I never did really just lazy.
We hope you had a good day on the 25th with family and church family as well. We also wish you the Lord's blessings in 2012. This will be a difficult year but we know that the Lord will not forsake us and He will give us everything that we are in need of. He will not give us more than we withstand, of this we are reassured.
Tante Janny was back in church yesterday after not being allowed to leave her room because they were afraid that she would spread her severe cold and coughing. But all seems well again.
Dad was moved to Chatham hospital last week Tuesday to have some rehabilitation there. All of his concerns were under control again.(his lungs, his heart and his swallowing). They had a C-Diph outbreak in Chatham again so we did not want him to go there (thats the same as what my mom got just before she passed away). We were assured that it was only on the rehab floor and dad was not going to his floor. He would get his rehab from a medical floor.This is what happened and he is doing very well and should beable to go back to his home soon.
12:34 19-12-2011


19:24 16-12-2011

Fijn dat het zo goed gaat!
Doe rustig aan en geniet van het samenzijn.
18:56 16-12-2011
Jack's home! Missy and I are both very happy and Jack is too. He is having a lot less pain than he had with the last one and is feeling much better!
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